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D & E Insurance Agency Blog

Renters, Have You Purchased An Item That Deserves Insurance Protection?

You may not have purchased renters insurance before, but you may have acquired one or more expensive items that would entail considerable financial loss if they were stolen or damaged. This may be a good time to get renters coverage for your personal items or increase your coverage to protect your possessions. At D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, we help our clients keep important items in their lives protected by insurance coverage.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Generally, renters insurance covers items such as clothing, furniture, appliances, and household goods. It also covers sports equipment, musical instruments, and most electronic equipment. Your policy also offers liability coverage and alternate housing if you cannot use your apartment due to damage.

Common Items That May Exceed Your Renter Policy Limits

Maybe you have purchased or inherited some expensive jewelry. A standard renters policy will only provide coverage up to a certain limit, which may fall short of the value of your items. Artwork is a similar case. The value of your art may have increased significantly, and your coverage limit is no longer adequate. This problem can also apply to high-end electronic equipment and other goods. Your insurance agent can help you determine if you need additional coverage for your personal items.

Choose D & E Insurance Agency For Your Renters Insurance Coverage

If you have questions about whether you need renters insurance or additional coverage, we can provide answers to help you make the best decision for your needs. We offer insurance products for clients, including home, auto, classic cars, motorcycles, RVs, and commercial. Contact D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, for a no-obligation quote on renters insurance to prevent expensive losses when your valuable items are damaged or stolen.

Insurance for Your Project Car

Are you working on a classic car in your garage that isn’t road-ready yet? Are you wondering how to insure your vehicle against damage without paying for costly collision and liability coverage for a car that isn’t driven? Here’s what you need to know about insuring your project car or truck.

Insurance options for your non-driveable car

If you own a vehicle in Muskogee, OK that isn’t driven for any reason, you don’t require some traditional forms of insurance. For instance, liability insurance isn’t necessary since there’s no chance of causing property damage or injury with the vehicle. Similarly, the chances of your vehicle getting damaged in an accident are slim (unless you accidentally hit the garage while moving the vehicle, but let’s hope that doesn’t happen), so collision insurance isn’t required.

What you do need, however, is comprehensive insurance. This coverage protects your classic car or truck against incidents like a tree falling on your garage and damaging your vehicle, snow accumulation causing your garage roof to collapse on your car, or a fire in your garage. This insurance also safeguards the value of your vehicle against theft.

Remember to add at least liability insurance to your project car before you take it out for a spin, even if it’s just a test drive. Driving an uninsured vehicle is illegal in Oklahoma.

Secure Oklahoma Auto Insurance with D & E Insurance Agency

For more information about insuring your project car or any other non-driveable vehicle, contact the D & E Insurance Agency. We’ve assisted Muskogee, OK residents with vehicle insurance needs for over a decade.

What Businesses Can Benefit From Higher Liability Policies?

If you operate a high-risk business in or near Muskogee, OK, you may benefit from higher liability levels in your commercial insurance policy. Sufficient coverage for accidents and other risks can make the difference between keeping your business and closing it. Determining what you need can be difficult, but D & E Insurance Agency professionals are here to help.

High-Risk Industries That Need More Liability Coverage

Excess liability coverage can benefit industries with inherently high risks. Whether you face risks from injuries to employees or visitors, property damage, risks from advertising or public relations, or other hazards, carrying additional liability insurance is essential for some companies.

If you do business in one of these industries, consider getting excess liability coverage:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Waste management
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality

The Differences Between Excess Liability and Umbrella Insurance

Some people may think these two terms are synonymous, but they are not the same. Excess liability extends the limits of an underlying policy you may have as part of your business owner’s insurance. This straightforward provision provides additional coverage without changing the underlying liability provisions. Excess liability insurance benefits construction and contracting businesses, medical professionals, transportation companies, and manufacturing operations.

Umbrella insurance also gives your business higher liability limits and may give you coverage for additional claims. You’ll also get legal protection if someone decides to sue you. In other words, you’ll get coverage for legal fees if you need to defend yourself in court against accusations. Excess liability coverage only gives you higher payout limits and doesn’t consider court fees.

Let the professionals at D & E Insurance Agency, serving Muskogee, OK, help you determine how much liability insurance your company needs. Contact us today to get started on your policy.

Does Home Insurance Cover Replacing Stolen Valuables?

At D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, we understand that one of a homeowner’s worst nightmares is returning home after a vacation, trip, or even a long day at work to discover a break-in and their valuable items stolen. Before you experience such a distressing event, ensuring the right home insurance policy covers your home is crucial. While losing your most prized possessions due to theft is devastating, the good news is that your home insurance policy may help cover some of the costs associated with replacing those items. As you read this article, remember that this is general insurance information. For more detailed information specific to your situation, you should call our office or visit us in person.

Does Home Insurance Cover Replacing Stolen Valuables?

While every insurance policy differs, some home insurance policies might cover expenses associated with replacing stolen valuables. Of course, you’ll need to review your specific policy to know whether this is true for you. If this is a feature of a home insurance policy that matters to you, we are always happy to discuss whether your current policy offers protection on this matter and help you figure out if there’s a way to find a policy that would meet this need. A home insurance policy has limits, so depending on how much you’ve used your policy and how much the policy covers for stolen valuables, you may only be able to recover some of the costs of stolen goods.

Contact Us

For home insurance quotes, call us at D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK today!

What Every Renter Should Know About Renters Insurance

If you rent your home or the place you live, you are not alone and part of a growing movement of non-homeowners today. The idea of owning a house as part of the American dream is now being replaced, or at least supplemented, by the freedom of jet-setting and the benefits of hybrid and remote work opportunities. This shift has resulted in more people choosing to rent or lease the place they call home, and why so many people from in and around Muskogee, OK, turn to the professional and experienced team at the D & E Insurance Agency for all their renter’s insurance needs.

What Every Renter Should Know About Renters Insurance Before Moving In

Moving into a new place is exciting, but there are some aspects of your new home that you should check before moving in. In most cases, the property management company of most rental properties will carry insurance only for the primary structures of the residence.

In other words, replacing or repairing your personal belongings will be your responsibility. That is also why it is a good idea to discuss renters insurance options with your agent so you can have the protection and security you need for your new place and the place you will call home.

Renters Insurance for Renters in the Muskogee, OK Area

Do you live in or around the Muskogee, OK area? Do you rent your residence and have questions or want to learn more about renters insurance? We can help. Contact us to find out more and schedule an appointment for the renters insurance solutions you need and deserve at the D & E Insurance Agency today.

What Is Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

When you’re involved in an auto accident where you’re not at fault, you expect the other driver to provide insurance information. But what happens if the at-fault driver doesn’t have adequate liability coverage or no insurance at all? Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage provides you with financial protection from irresponsible drivers in Muskogee, OK. At D & E Insurance Agency, we offer comprehensive auto insurance to help keep you protected on the road.

How Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage Works

If you were in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you would normally file a claim with the at-fault driver’s auto insurance company. You would then receive compensation for repairing your vehicle and possibly payments for medical expenses and/or lost wages.

In some instances, the driver may not have auto insurance or may not have enough liability coverage. While Oklahoma has minimum liability insurance requirements, it may not be enough to cover damages.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can help pay for your expenses if you were found not at fault after a collision with an uninsured or underinsured driver. This insurance may help pay for medical bills for both you and your passengers if you were injured. It may also help pay for any damages to your vehicle.

Having uninsured motorist (UM) coverage can also be beneficial if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident. If an at-fault driver hits your vehicle and flees the scene, you can file a claim against your UM coverage to cover any injuries and damages.

Stay Protected on the Road with the Right Auto Insurance

D & E Insurance Agency is a leading auto insurance provider serving Muskogee, OK, and the surrounding areas. Call 918-683-0021 to ensure you’re protected on the road.

How to Protect Your Muskogee OK Business from Severe Weather Damage

Situated right in the middle of Tornado Alley, Muskogee, OK, has witnessed an increasing number of powerful and life-threatening storms. These natural disasters can wreak havoc on local businesses, emphasizing the crucial requirement for suitable protection. The insurance experts at D & E Insurance Agency are here to provide professional advice on how best to reinforce your business against the volatile nature of weather.

Our team of qualified and knowledgeable insurance agents aims to help local small businesses effectively safeguard their commercial investments. We recommend a robust insurance policy designed to have your best interests at the forefront.

How a Comprehensive Commercial Insurance Shields Your Business from Weather-related Damage

Commercial insurance policies provide a safety net for businesses, large or small, protecting investments and covering losses caused by unforeseen events. An essential part of this protection is liability insurance, which serves as a defensive layer against legal claims.

A well-rounded commercial insurance policy can extend the boundaries of your insurance protection, acting as a robust financial shield. This comprehensive coverage ensures you can recover financially from property damage and business loss caused by severe weather conditions.

What Kind of Weather-related Damages Can Commercial Insurance Cover?

Commercial insurance policies can accommodate various weather-related damages, from property damage and income loss to inventory theft or cyber theft. Structural damages that cannot be repaired, collapsed pipes, broken windows, and even damaged company vehicles often arise after severe storms, especially the powerful windstorms commonly experienced in Muskogee.

It is highly beneficial to consult with a trusted local insurance professional who can provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of commercial insurance coverage. Regardless of the size of your business, having the right commercial insurance can be vital.

Being proactive in securing your business can bring much-needed peace of mind. You can rest assured knowing that you have taken vital steps to shield your business and your bottom line from potentially devastating financial losses.

Contact D & E Insurance Agency to explore your business’s best commercial insurance options. Secure your peace of mind with us.

Home Downsizing Tips for Empty Nesters

Transitioning from a bustling household full of children to an empty nest can be an emotional journey. At such times, you can rely on our D & E Insurance Agency team in Muskogee, OK, to provide guidance and support. If you’re looking at downsizing and feel overwhelmed, it’s okay! We have some practical advice to assist you in effectively navigating this new phase of life.

Decluttering Is Key

With your children moving out, you will have a whole lot of extra space and time at your disposal. Utilize this opportunity to declutter your home. This could involve sorting out and discarding unwanted items that have accumulated over the years. Alternatively, you might want to go through your children’s rooms, in collaboration with them, to remove things they do not wish to carry along in their next phase of life. Getting the services of a professional organizer could also be a viable option to simplify this task.

Prioritizing Your Needs

Downsizing often aligns with a shift in personal priorities. If you plan on buying an RV for traveling, consider purchasing RV insurance. On the other hand, moving to a smaller house would require a modified homeowner’s insurance policy. Therefore, before embarking on your new journey, it’s crucial to contact us and discuss how we can cater to your insurance requirements.

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help

Don’t feel hesitant to reach out for help. Understand that downsizing can be a taxing process, but you don’t have to do it alone. Your friends, family, and professional helpers can be of immense support during this period.

Please contact us at D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK for more information.

When and Why You Need Renters’ Insurance in Oklahoma

If you are planning to move to Muskogee, OK, or if you already live in the area and are considering renting a property, you may be wondering about renters’ insurance and whether it is required.

When You Need Renters’ Insurance

Oklahoma state law does not mandate renters purchase insurance. However, just because the state doesn’t require it doesn’t mean a renter won’t need it.

The rules and policies of the place you’re moving into, such as a rental property managed by a company, may require insurance coverage as part of the rental agreement.

The state requires rental property owners to provide property insurance, such as hazard insurance, to cover the building. An owner may also have liability coverage to cover specific liability issues.

Why You Need Renters’ Insurance

While owners are responsible for insuring the rental property in Oklahoma, they are not responsible for tenants’ personal belongings. For this reason, a renter should consider getting a liability coverage policy.

Renters’ insurance may cover personal belongings and property damage. This may include:

  • Coverage is available if a guest is injured while on the rental property.
  • Damages caused by the tenant’s negligence, resulting in a fire.
  • Water damage from an overflowing bathtub or sink results in floor damage.

Renters’ liability insurance may include theft or fire coverage. A policy may cover clothing, electronics, appliances, and furniture.

Speak to one of our agents at D & E Insurance Agency about the lease agreement, any coverage requirements, and what a renter’s policy will cover to protect personal belongings.

Contact D & E Insurance Agency in Oklahoma

At D & E Insurance Agency, we provide residents of the Muskogee, OK area with top-quality care to provide the coverage they need. Call us; we’re here to help.

Get Auto Insurance Protections from Muskogee OK’s Most Dangerous Intersections

An Overview of Muskogee’s Most Dangerous Intersections by D & E Insurance Agency

The most dangerous intersections are often reported by local citizens and the Department of Transportation authorities, who collect data on frequent automobile accidents and the flow of traffic patterns in the region.

Factors that make an intersection dangerous include some or all of the following:

  1. Complex Traffic Layouts
  2. High Traffic Volume
  3. Poor Visibility
  4. High Speeds
  5. Frequent Turning
  6. Inadequate Traffic Control Devices

Muskogee’s most dangerous intersections identified by local sources and long-time residents include:

  • Country Club Road and Shawnee Bypass: High speeds, no left turn light, and traffic congestion lead to numerous fender benders, rear ends, and sideswipes.
  • US 62 / Shawnee Bypass between 6th and 11th Street: This area reports a higher-than-normal amount of auto accidents due to high congestion and a complex layout.
  • US 69 and 24th Street: This intersection is along one of the most congested and highly traveled routes in the area. High traffic volumes drive auto-related incidents here.
  • Okmulgee Avenue at 40th Street, 43rd Street, 44th Street, and 54th Street: This main thoroughfare sees more than its fair share of collisions due to frequent turns and a lack of adequate traffic control devices.

Protect Your Automobile in Muskogee, OK

Now that you have a better idea of where some of the city’s worst traffic congestion and high incidents of auto accidents occur be proactive in protecting your auto from the financial fallout that can result from local fender benders. A comprehensive auto insurance policy can protect your vehicle against a wide variety of perils.

Talk to a licensed and knowledgeable D & E Insurance Agency agent today to get a comprehensive insurance quote to protect your vehicle from accidents, theft, natural disasters, and vandalism!

Partner Carriers

  • Access Insurance Company
  • American Modern
  • AmWINS
  • Equity Insurance Company
  • Gainsco
  • Harbor
  • Liberty Bankers Life
  • National Lloyds
  • The National Security Group
  • Progressive
  • Traders Insurance
  • Travelers
  • UAIC