You may not have purchased renters insurance before, but you may have acquired one or more expensive items that would entail considerable financial loss if they were stolen or damaged. This may be a good time to get renters coverage for your personal items or increase your coverage to protect your possessions. At D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, we help our clients keep important items in their lives protected by insurance coverage.
What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
Generally, renters insurance covers items such as clothing, furniture, appliances, and household goods. It also covers sports equipment, musical instruments, and most electronic equipment. Your policy also offers liability coverage and alternate housing if you cannot use your apartment due to damage.
Common Items That May Exceed Your Renter Policy Limits
Maybe you have purchased or inherited some expensive jewelry. A standard renters policy will only provide coverage up to a certain limit, which may fall short of the value of your items. Artwork is a similar case. The value of your art may have increased significantly, and your coverage limit is no longer adequate. This problem can also apply to high-end electronic equipment and other goods. Your insurance agent can help you determine if you need additional coverage for your personal items.
Choose D & E Insurance Agency For Your Renters Insurance Coverage
If you have questions about whether you need renters insurance or additional coverage, we can provide answers to help you make the best decision for your needs. We offer insurance products for clients, including home, auto, classic cars, motorcycles, RVs, and commercial. Contact D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, for a no-obligation quote on renters insurance to prevent expensive losses when your valuable items are damaged or stolen.